Living Room at Avenue 80 Apartments

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Feeling Lonely This Winter? Here Is How You Can Cope

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Winter can be a very difficult time. Add a global pandemic and stay-at-home orders to the mix, and it’s little wonder why you might find yourself feeling especially lonely this winter – even if you do not have a clinically diagnosed condition, like seasonal affective disorder. Instead of fighting your feelings of loneliness, here are 3 ways to address them healthfully and reduce their negative impact.

Start or continue a new routine.

Routines help us feel in control of our lives – something that is crucial when you battle loneliness or depressive symptoms. So, facilitate this by going about your day with intention. Even something as simple as stretching right when you get out of bed, going for a walk at lunch, or carving out time every evening to read or do something creative can make a big difference. Once you’ve decided upon your routine, do whatever you have to do to remember – including literally penciling it into your calendar.

Speak up about your needs.

Even though many people experience loneliness, discussing it can be taboo. Yet, addressing your needs before they fester and grow uncontrollable is key. If you’re itching for some human interaction – even if it must be conducted virtually – reach out to your friends and family members, practicing a policy of honesty and openness. Odds are, your loved ones will help you address your needs, whether by stopping by with a socially distanced cup of coffee or committing to weekly phone calls.

Find the brand of self-care that works for you.

Yes, “self-care” is a word often thrown around these days. But, practicing self-care is an effective way to mitigate feelings of loneliness. The trick is to find a self-care practice that appeals to you. For example, maybe long bubble baths bore you to tears, but the thrill of reading a mystery novel keeps you calm and engaged. Maybe, you prefer a workout to a walk through the woods. Whatever it is that soothes you, practice your new comforting ritual when your fears and anxieties threaten to get the best of you.

At Avenue 80 Apartments in Overland Park, Kansas, we understand your need for an apartment living experience that keeps you in the loop with recipes, health hacks, and wellness tips. That’s why we’re dedicated to keeping you informed of the latest, must-know information.

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